
Town Planning - (039) 315 9242

 Planning in South Africa operates within a legal framework, which strives to ensure that municipalities deliver their developmentally oriented planning objectives in terms of Section 152 and 153 of

the Constitution.  Town planning includes:

  • The preparation of spatial frameworks, and local area plans, to develop long-term strategies while ensuring physical, economic, and environmental alignment as well as integration of all sectors.
  • Is responsible for providing efficient and effective land use management and building inspectorate services to our residents who are property owners and developers as well as prospective investors.

  Functional Units under town planning:

  • Land use Management
  • Spatial development and urban forward planning
  • Geographical information systems

Land use management


  • processing special consent and rezoning applications.
  • Enforcement of unauthorized land usage.
  • Development of Municipal Land Use Management System
  • Processing of building line relaxation applications provides building control services.
  • Processing of outdoor advertising applications and enforcement.

Spatial Development and Urban Forward planning

  • Establishment of sound Municipal Spatial Development Framework, development guidelines, policies, and local area plans.
  • Environmental management and development of Municipal Environmental Management Framework.
  • Development facilitation and packaging of projects.
  • Transportation planning.

Geographical Information System

  • Is responsible for ensuring that we have an effective, efficient, and integrated Geographical Information Management System.
  • It also supports the Municipality in terms of plans generation.


Building Control

The Building Inspectorate Unit’s function is to receive, acknowledge and process building plans. According to The National Building Regulations and Building Standard Act No. 103 of 1977, no person shall without the prior approval in writing of the local authority in question, erect any building in respect of which plans, and specifications are to be drawn and submitted in terms of this Act.

The functions include:

  • Submission of Plans
  • Building inspections
  • Contraventions
  • Plans retrievals

 RNM Restructuring Zones Extended Boundaries.  [Read More]